OK so i said i would be writing about cloth diapering, well it started becasue aleya would go potty and had to be changed right then so when she was awake she woudl have to be changed about every 20 min and that was getting very expensive, so i looked into clot, the inital price is expensive but worth it.
becasuse now when she wantes to be changed no more thowing money in the trash. all i do is flush the solids and rinse the liner and then in the washerit goes and i wash then at night then out them int he dryer int he morings. and i use pocket diapers/AI2 on size diapers i like happy heiny's the best but i sttred with an off bran off ebay which owrk just fne as well.
i also went to nashville for the day on saturday and joe kept aleya all day which was a goo day and he did great job i missed her but after finding out i have post partum depression it was a much neded get away.
We had aleya's 2 month pictures done and ill be possting them as soon as i get them..
anymore questions abou diapers or ppd just ask me
have blessd day